A Local Coach Fighting to Keep Kids Off the Streets at Hattiesburg Boxing Club
HATTIESBURG, MISS. – Many kids who come from the inner-city often have to dodge violence just to survive. However, a local boxing gym is teaching these kids to roll with the punches, and get back up when life knocks them down.
“I see so many children drifting away. Getting caught up in the judicial system, and if I can save one, maybe two then, I have accomplished something,” Hattiesburg Boxing Club Coach, Robert Williams said.

Williams uses the sport as a platform to teach life lessons.
“I’m getting more than a boxing experience… everything is like family here,” stand out amateur boxer, Javonn Davis said. “He’s one of the greatest inspirations in my life. If weren’t for him, I would not be on the level that I am now… I would not have made it through a lot of things.” Davis admits having a troubled past before coming to the gym. However, Davis now uses the lessons taught in the gym to knockout life’s challenges. You got to be smart to box, you really do,” Davis explained. “Because when you’re in there with a guy it’s a lot of technique, and technical things you have to know about boxing, and you can relate boxing to life. Hit and don’t get hit by life, and when you get hit… get back up.” Coach Rob Williams explained often times, he finds himself getting emotionally tied to most of his boxers. “We find ourselves getting attached to the people we work with and they’re our children,” Williams explained. A family-bond formed by life-principles being taught through a sport. Now, this club wants the community’s support to help them continue touching lives throughout the Pine Belt. “For anybody who will see this, I hope the world sees this,” Davis said. “We need your support because your support will help save somebody’s life, this is more than just boxing.”
If you would like to support or visit the Hattiesburg Boxing Club, head over to 202 Unetta St, Hattiesburg, MS. 39402 or call 228-229-8142.If you would like to support or visit the Hattiesburg Boxing Club, head over to 202 Unetta St, Hattiesburg, MS. 39402 or call 228-229-8142.