NCAA lifts postseason ban from the Southern Miss men's basketball team

Hattiesburg, Miss. - Southern Miss athletics enjoyed some fantastic news on Friday.
The Southern Miss men's basketball team faced NCAA sanctions because of the former basketball staff's actions through 2012-14.
Now, the NCAA committee has lifted the postseason ban and the Golden Eagles basketball team are eligible for postseason play next season.
Bill McGillis, Southern Miss director of athletics said, "I wanted to preserve that opportunity and not take the risk of waiting on the committee on the infractions and extending this pain by another year. I thought it was important to be proactive in order to get us to the finish line more quickly."
Head coach, Doc Sadler said, "From this point on, it's on us. It's going to be tough. We're still going to have some tough times, but I don't think we'll have any tougher times than what we've had."