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HFD reminds residents about the use of fireworks

HATTIESBURG, Miss - The start of the New Year is right around the corner and the celebration to end the 2015 year often includes fireworks.

The City of Hattiesburg does not allow residents to use fireworks. Fireworks are not safe in the hands of consumers, says Lt. Stephen Mooney, a Fire Arson Investigator from the Hattiesburg Fire Department.

He further mentions that fireworks cause thousands of burns and eye injuries each year.

HFD reminds residents of firework precautions in the city.

"Well the main thing we want to remember about fire safety is that it is illegal to sell or use in Hattiesburg. The National Fire Protection Association opposes the use of consumer fireworks, including fireworks and sparklers which can cause a third degree burn because their operation exceeds one thousand degrees. Annually 41% of firework injuries are due to sparklers and on average 20,000 fires each year are started due to fireworks" says Lt. Mooney.

If you are planning to watch fireworks in an approved area, HFD reminds residents to keep an extra eye on their kids handling fireworks.



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