State runs out of vaccine supply
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.)

Lawmakers propose teacher salary increase
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.)

Boil water notice lifted for Glendale Utility District members
Glendale Utility District officials are lifting the boil water notice for customers with homes on the 360 to 545 block of Eatonville Road....

Swan Song: "What has our country come to?"
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.)

State health officials: More groups eligible for COVID-19 vaccine
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.) On the web: https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420,976.html...

CDC: Anyone flying in U.S. needs negative COVID-19 test
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.)

Laurel Veterans Memorial Museum closes temporarily due to increase in COVID-19 cases
(The following is a press release from the Veterans Memorial Museum in Laurel. The image in this story comes from MyFOX23.com's files.)...

Concern grows over COVID-19-related illness in children
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.)

Kindness in Action: Junior Auxiliary of Hattiesburg committed to advancing community
(Toggle closed captions on and off through the video player settings.) On the web: www.hattiesburgjuniorauxiliary.org To nominate someone...

Glendale Utility District issues boil water notice
Glendale Utility District issues a boil water notice for its customers with homes on the 360 to 545 block of Eatonville Road. This...